We have so many events coming up this year that we could really use some "new" volunteers to help us out! The POWWOW takes at least 200 to 300 volunteers to keep it running smoothly - kitchen help, servers, security, parking attendants, etc.!
There is always a place for a volunteer we will find something for you to do. We offer a free meal and and a drink that day of service.
Please stop in the QIA Office any weekday from 9am to Noon to let us know that you are willing to volunteer and help us out this year! It's always rewarding to everyone to watch some of these massive events just come together!
Our Volunteers are the Heart of the QIA. All members have voting rights and may serve on the Board of Directors or just be helpers! At the Q, we are so lucky to have so many members from all over North America. It seems like we have members from just about every state in the union (except Hawaii) and just about every Province in Canada. Make new friends at the QIA.
It's always fun to listen to the various dialects as people are talking and try to figure out where they are from in their "real" life! Most of us are just some type of a "snowbird" that comes to Quartzsite during the winter months to stay warm! Hearing some of the temperatures up north, I certainly can't blame them - Burrr!
Our Volunteers are the life blood of the QIA. Without all these dedicated members and, the Board would not be able to function.
The year started out with a new "Facelift" to the inside of the building. A very dedicated group got together and started cleaning, organizing, painting and repairing many areas within the building. An incredible task and feat was accomplished!
The biggest single event every year is our POWWOW Show in January. Sandy (K) and Gwen came together and pulled off a really great Show. We had vendors from all over the world showing their "goodies" and over TWO HUNDRED - Yup that's 200!! - members help with feeding, security and cleaning up for the POWWOW!
It was amazing to watch people who had never worked in a "commercial kitchen" before, come in, get their assignments and do their job - many times for a double shift, hours at a time and 5 straight days! Our group of very talented members were saluted by all the Vendors at the February QIA Member Meeting.
Thanks Volunteers for a GREAT POWWOW SHOW!